A lapa is a structure that is popular in South Africa. The word lapa is an indigenous Southern African Sotho and Tswana word; meaning ‘home’. There are two ways of referring to this word; one as referring to it as lapa, and the other as lelapa. Lapa and lelapa can be used interchangeably. The word lapa can be translated into English as 'yard' (a house and the land attached), or as 'family'.
Culturally and linguistically, a lapa means several things. It means a family, the land on which the family lives, and also, specifically, the area right in front of the house as one steps out of the door. The lapa area is usually painted and decorated with traditional colours, plants, and spiritually significant flowers. In a lot of cases, a shrine to the great African ancestors is set up at one of the corners of the lapa. Traditionally, the family, or the lapa would gather here (on the lapa) for breakfast, lunch, supper, and to host guests. During important family events, the family usually gather here to commune with the family's great ancestors and to pour libations of traditional morula wine and mabele beer to them.
The area would usually have a high thatched roof supported by wooden poles. The lapa may be attached to the main house or a separate structure a few meters away from the house. Traditionally, there can be more than one lapa in a single yard. In some homes, there are lapas for the elders, and lapas for the younger relatives of the family. During weddings and other celebrations, temporary lapas may be constructed to cater for the extra guests. Some of the temporary lapas may be used as kitchen areas or dining halls for the extra cooking and dining which would be taking place at such events.
Recently, lapas have become a significant part of South Africa's modern architecture, and are now added in urban developments. Lapas have also become a normal sight at most of South Africa's lodges and guest houses. They have gained popularity and are now used as entertainment areas for braais (barbecues), house parties and children's parties.