Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo (16 November 1538 – 23 March 1606) was a Spanish prelate of the Catholic Church who served as the Archbishop of Lima from 1579 until his death. He first studied in the humanities and law before serving as a professor and later as the Grand Inquisitor at the behest of King Philip II. His piety and learning had reached the ears of the king who appointed him to that position which was considered unusual since he had no previous government or judicial experience. His noted work for the Inquisition earned him praise from the king who nominated him for the vacant Lima archdiocese. The pope confirmed this despite his protests. (Full article...)
Attributes: Episcopal attire
Patronage: Peru, Lima, Latin American bishops, Native rights, Scouts, Valladolid
See also: Joseph Oriol, Spain; Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès, Lebanon