Išši’ak Aššur
Reignc. 2049 B.C.E. — c. 2036 B.C.E.
SuccessorPuzur-Ashur I
BornAssyria (Modern-day Iraq)
Died21st century BCE
Assyria (Modern-day Iraq)

Akiya (Akkadian: 𒀀𒆠𒅀, romanized: A-ki-ia) was according to the Assyrian King List (AKL) the 29th Assyrian monarch, ruling in Assyria's early period. He is listed within a section of the AKL as the third out of the six, "kings whose eponyms are not known."[1][2] As all the other early rulers listed in the king list and unattested elsewhere, there is dispute among scholars as to whether Akiya was a real historical figure.[3]

See also


  1. Glassner, Jean-Jacques (2004). Mesopotamian Chronicles. Society of Biblical Lit. p. 137. ISBN 1589830903.
  2. Meissner, Bruno (1990). Reallexikon der Assyriologie. Vol. 6. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 101–102. ISBN 3110100517.
  3. Lendering, Jona (2006). "The Assyrian King List". Livius. Retrieved 29 May 2021.
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