In Greek mythology, the name Chloris (/ˈklɔːrɪs/; Greek Χλωρίς Chlōrís, from χλωρός chlōrós, meaning "greenish-yellow", "pale green", "pale", "pallid", or "fresh") appears in a variety of contexts. Some clearly refer to different characters; other stories may refer to the same Chloris, but disagree on details.

See also


  1. Ovid, Fasti 5.195 ff.
  2. Apollodorus, 1.9.9
  3. Apollodorus, 3.5.6 referring to Telesilla
  4. Tzetzes on Lycophron, 881
  5. Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, 1.65
  6. Hyginus, Fabulae 14
  7. Argonautica Orphica 126
  8. Pseudo-Clement, Recognitions 10.21-23


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