The Colhuehuapian age is a period of geologic time (21.0–17.5 Ma) within the Early Miocene epoch of the Neogene, used more specifically within the SALMA classification in South America. It follows the Deseadan and precedes the Santacrucian age.[1]
The age is named after the Colhué Huapí Member of the Sarmiento Formation in the Golfo San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina.

Locations of Colhuehuapian formations
Formation bold is type |
Country | Basin | Notes |
Colhué Huapí Member | ![]() | Golfo San Jorge Basin | |
Abanico Formation | ![]() | Abanico Basin | |
Biblián Formation | ![]() | Cuenca Basin | |
Castillo Formation | ![]() | Falcón Basin | |
Cerro Bandera Formation | ![]() | Neuquén Basin | |
Chichinales Formation | ![]() | North Patagonian Massif | |
Chilcatay Formation | ![]() | Pisco Basin | |
Cura-Mallín Group | ![]() | Cura-Mallín Basin | |
Gaiman Formation | ![]() | Valdés Basin | |
Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation | ![]() | Colorado Basin | |
Monte León Formation | ![]() | Austral Basin | |
Montera Formation | ![]() | Sechura Basin | |
Pirabas Formation | ![]() | Amazon Basin | |
Río Jeinemeni Formation | ![]() | Austral Basin | |
Uitpa Formation | ![]() | Cocinetas Basin | |
- ↑ Paleo Database: Colhuehuapian
- ↑ Dozo et al., 2014, p.241
- ↑ Acosta & Tambussi, 2005, p.128
- ↑ Godoy et al., 2012
- ↑ Muñoz et al., 2006
- ↑ Veintimilla González, 2015, p.47
- ↑ Johnson, 2009, p.60
- ↑ Kramarz et al., 2005
- ↑ Kramarz et al., 2005, p.288
- ↑ De la Cruz, 2008, p.53
- ↑ Solíz Mundaca, 2018, p.13
- ↑ Utgé et al., 2009
- ↑ Acosta Hospitaleche, 2007, p.419
- ↑ Reichler, 2010, p.181
- ↑ Náñez et al., 2009
- ↑ Pérez Panera, 2010, p.52
- ↑ Córdova Aguilar, 2009, p.24
- ↑ De Araújo et al., 2010, p.207
- ↑ Dal Molín & Colombo, 2003, p.140
- ↑ Moreno et al., 2015, p.7
- ↑ Cheme et al., 2016
- ↑ Arnal et al., 2014
- ↑ Gran Barranca Upper Fossil Zone at
- 1 2 Southern Cliff of lower Chubut River Valley at
- ↑ Gran Barranca - southern cliff of lake Colhué Huapí at
- ↑ Sacanana at
- ↑ Río Las Lenas at
- ↑ Point 354989 Anzogues at
- ↑ Vucetich et al., 2015
- ↑ Kramarz et al., 2015
- ↑ Cerro Bandera Type at
- ↑ Cerro Bandera Barda Negra at
- ↑ Cerro Bandera Sierra del Portezuelo Norte at
- 1 2 Cerro Bandera Bayo Mesa at
- 1 2 3 Paso Córdoba at
- ↑ Lambert et al., 2017
- ↑ Zamaca in the Paleobiology Database
- ↑ Santa Rosa in the Paleobiology Database
- ↑ Cerro Buque in the Paleobiology Database
- ↑ Bianucci et al., 2020
- ↑ Landini et al., 2019
- ↑ Varas Malca et al., 2011
- ↑ Shockey et al., 2012
- ↑ Flynn et al., 2008, p.414
- ↑ Viglino et al., 2018, p.264
- 1 2 Cerro del Castillo, Trelew at
- 1 2 Bryn Gwyn at
- ↑ Cerro Chocan at
- 1 2 3 4 Jazida B17 at
- 1 2 3 4 Atalaia at
- 1 2 3 Praia de Fortalezinha at
- 1 2 3 4 Ilha de Fortaleza; São João de Pirabas at
- 1 2 Colonia Pedro Teixeira at
- ↑ Tauari at
- ↑ Río Jeinemení at
- ↑ Agnolin & Chafrat, 2015
- ↑ Acosta Hospitaleche & Stucchi, 2005
- ↑ Patagonian at
- ↑ Alván et al., 2004
- ↑ Carrillo Briceño et al., 2016, p.91
- Colhué Huapí Member
- Arnal, Michelle; Alejandro G. Kramarz; M. Guiomar Vucetich, and E. Carolina Vieytes. 2014. A new early Miocene octodontoid rodent (Hystricognathi, Caviomorpha) from Patagonia (Argentina) and a reassessment of the early evolution of Octodontoidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(2). 397–406. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Cheme Arriaga, Lucas; María Teresa Dozo, and Javier N. Gelfo. 2016. A new Cramaucheniinae (Litopterna, Macraucheniidae) from the early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(6). e1229672. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Abanico Formation
- Bertrand, Ornella C.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and André R. Wyss. 2012. Two new taxa (Caviomorpha, Rodentia) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna (Chile). American Museum Novitates 3750. 1–36. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Bradham, Jennifer; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and Andre R. Wyss. 2015. New notoungulates (Notostylopidae and basal toxodontians) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna of the Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3841. 1–24. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Croft, Darin A.; John J. Flynn, and André R. Wyss. 2008. The Tinguiririca fauna of Chile and the early stages of "modernization" of South American mammal faunas. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 66. 191–211. Accessed 2019-02-12. Archived 2018-09-06 at the Wayback Machine
- Engelman, Russell K.; John J. Flynn; Philip Gans; André R. Wyss, and Darin A. Croft. 2018. Chlorocyon phantasma, a late Eocene borhyaenoid (Mammalia, Metatheria, Sparassodonta) from the Los Helados locality, Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3918. 1–22. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Godoy, Estanislao. 2012. Sobre el variable marco geotectónico de las formaciones Abanico y Farellones y sus equivalentes al sur de los 35°LS. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 69. 570–577. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Muñoz, Marcia; Francisco Fuentes; Mario Vergara; Luis Aguirre; Jan Olov Nyström; Gilbert Féraud, and Alain Demant. 2006. Abanico East Formation: petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks behind the Cenozoic arc front in the Andean Cordillera, central Chile (33°50'S). Revista Geológica de Chile 33. 109–140. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Biblián Formation
- Veintimilla González, Liliana Alexandra. 2015. Solución geológica, geotécnica, hidrológica, hidráulica y estructural de la alcantarilla que sirve a la autopista Cuenca-Azogues, Abscisa km. 4+667 (thesis), 1–111. Universidad de Cuenca. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Castillo Formation
- Johnson, Kenneth G.; Marcelo R. Sánchez Villagra, and Órangel A. Aguilera. 2009. The Oligocene-Miocene transition on coral reefs in the Falcón Basin (NW Venezuela). PALAIOS 24. 59–69. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Rincón, Ascanio D.; Andrés Solórzano; H. Gregory McDonald, and Mónica Núñez Flores. 2017. Baraguatherium takumara, gen. et sp. nov., the earliest mylodontoid sloth (early Miocene) from northern South America. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 24(2). 179–191. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Rincón, Ascanio D.; Andrés Solórzano; Mouloud Benammi; Patrick Vignaud, and H. Gregory McDonald. 2014. Chronology and geology of an Early Miocene mammalian assemblage in North of South America, from Cerro La Cruz (Castillo Formation), Lara State, Venezuela: implications in the 'changing course of Orinoco River' hypothesis. Andean Geology 41. 507–528. Accessed 2018-09-07.
- Solórzano, Andrés; Ascanio D. Rincón; Giovanne M. Cidade; Mónica Núñez Flores, and Leonardo Sánchez. 2018. Lower Miocene alligatoroids (Crocodylia) from the Castillo Formation, northwest of Venezuela. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments _. 1–19. Accessed 2018-09-07.
- Urbani, Franco, and David Mendi. 2010. Notas sobre la discordancia del margen sur de la cuenca Oligo-Miocena de Falcón estados Lara, Falcón y Yaracuy, Venezuela. Boletín de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales LXX. 9–25. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Cerro Bandera Formation
- Kramarz, Alejandro G.; Mariano Bond, and Michelle Arnal. 2015. Systematic description of three new mammals (Notoungulata and Rodentia) from the early Miocene Cerro Bandera Formation, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Ameghiniana 52(6). 585–597. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Kramarz, Alejandro; Alberto Garrido; Analía Forasiepi; Mariano Bond, and Claudia Tambussi. 2005. Estratigrafia y vertebrados (Aves y Mammalia) de la Formación Cerro Bandera, Mioceno Temprano de la Provincia del Neuquén, Argentina. Revista Geológica de Chile 32. 273–291. Accessed 2017-10-20.
- Chichinales Formation
- Agnolin, Federico L., and Pablo Chafrat. 2015. New fossil bird remains from the Chichinales Formation (Early Miocene) of northern Patagonia, Argentina. Annales de Paléontologie 101(2). 87–94. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Kramarz, Alejandro Gustavo, and Ernesto Rodrigo Paz. 2013. Un Hegetotheriidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) basal del Mioceno temprano de Patagonia. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 30. 186–195. Accessed 2017-10-20.
- Chilcatay Formation
- Bianucci, Giovanni; C. de Muizon; M. Urbina, and O. Lambert. 2020. Extensive diversity and disparity of the early Miocene platanistoids (Cetacea, Odontoceti) in the Southeastern Pacific (Chilcatay Formation, Peru). Life 10. 1–62. .
- Landini, W.; A. Collareta; C. Di Celma; E. Malinverno; M. Urbina, and G. Bianucci. 2019. The early Miocene elasmobranch assemblage from Zamaca (Chilcatay T Formation, Peru). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 91. 352–371. .
- Bianucci, Giovanni; Giulia Bosio; Elisa Malinverno; Christian De Muizon; Igor M. Villa; Mario Urbina, and Olivier Lambert. 2018. A new large squalodelphinid (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from Peru sheds light on the Early Miocene platanistoid disparity and ecology. Royal Society Open Science 5(4). 172302. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- De la Cruz, Aldo Alván. 2008. Geología de Ocucaje: aportes en la sedimentología y paleontología de Lomas de Ullujaya (Ica, Perú). Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones FIGMMG 11. 51–59. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Lambert, Olivier; Christian De Muizon; Elisa Malinverno; Claudio Di Celma; Mario Urbina, and Giovanni Bianucci. 2017. A new odontocete (toothed cetacean) from the Early Miocene of Peru expands the morphological disparity of extinct heterodont dolphins. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16(12). 981–1016. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Lambert, Olivier; Giovanni Bianucci, and Mario Urbina. 2014. Huaridelphis raimondii, a new early Miocene Squalodelphinidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Chilcatay Formation, Peru. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(5). 987–1004. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Varas Malca, R. M.; A. J. Altamirano Sierra; T. DeVries, and M. Urbino. 2011. The earliest known pinniped from the Southern Hemisphere. Ameghiniana 48. R217. .
- Acosta Hospitaleche, C., and M. Stucchi. 2005. Nuevos restos terciarios de Spheniscidae (Aves, sphenisciformes) procedentes de la Costa del Peru. Revista Española de Paleontología 20. 1–5. .
- Alván, A.; J. Apolín, and C. Chacaltana. 2004. Los dientes de Seláceos (Condrichthyies) y su aplicaión estratigráfica en Las Lomas de Ullujaya (Ica, Perú), 595–598. XIII Congreso Peruano de Geología. Resúmenes Extendidos.
- Colbert, E. H. 1944. A new fossil whale from the Miocene of Peru. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 83. 199–216. .
- Cura-Mallín Group
- Flynn, John J.; Reynaldo Charrier; Darin A. Croft; Phillip B. Gans; Trystan M. Herriott; Jill A. Wertheim, and André R. Wyss. 2008. Chronologic implications of new Miocene mammals from the Cura-Mallín and Trapa Trapa formations, Laguna del Laja area, south central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 26. 412–423. Accessed 2017-10-20.
- Shockey, Bruce J.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft; Phillip Gans, and André R. Wyss. 2012. New leontiniid Notoungulata (Mammalia) from Chile and Argentina : comparative anatomy, character analysis, and phylogenetic hypotheses. American Museum Novitates 3737. 1–64. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Utgé, Silvana; Andrés Folguera; Vanesa Litvak, and Víctor A. Ramos. 2009. Geología del sector norte de la Cuenca de Cura Mallín en las Lagunas de Epulaufquen, Neuquén. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 64(2). 231–248. Accessed 2017-10-01.
- Gaiman Formation
- Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina. 2007. Revisión sistemática de Palaeospheniscus biloculata (Simpson) nov. comb. (Aves, Spheniscidae) de la Formación Gaiman (Mioceno Temprano), Chubut, Argentina. Ameghiniana 44. 417–426. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Viglino, Mariana; Mónica R. Buono; Carolina S. Gutstein; Mario A. Cozzuol, and José I. Cuitiño. 2018. A new dolphin from the early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina: Insights into the evolution of Platanistoidea in the Southern Hemisphere. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63(2). 261–277. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation
- Reichler, Valeria A. 2010. Estratigrafía y paleontología del Cenozoico marino del Gran Bajo y Salinas del Gualicho, Argentina, y descripción de 17 especies nuevas. Andean Geology 31. 177–219. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Monte León Formation
- Náñez, Carolina; Mirta E. Quattrocchio, and Liliana Ruiz. 2009. Palinología y micropaleontología de las Formaciones San Julián y Monte León (Oligoceno - Mioceno temprano) en el subsuelo de cabo Curioso, provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. Ameghiniana 46. 669–693. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Montera Formation
- Córdova Aguilar, Arturo. 2009. Proyecto: "desarrollo de capacidades para una propuesta de zoneamiento ecológico económica (ZEE) para el ordenamiento territorial del Departamento de Piura" - área: Geología y potencial de recursos mineros, 1–83. Ministry of Environment, Peru. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Pirabas Formation
- De Araújo Távora, Vladimir; André Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos, and Raphael Neto Araújo. 2010. Localidades fossilíferas da Formação Pirabas (Mioceno Inferior). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 5. 207–224. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Río Jeinemení Formation
- Dal Molín, C.N., and F. Colombo. 2003. Sedimentación neógena en la Cuenca del Río Zeballos y del Río Jeinemeni (47° Latitud Sur) Antepaís patagónico Argentina. Geogaceta 34. 139–142. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Uitpa Formation
- Amson, Eli; Juan D. Carrillo, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2016. Neogene sloth assemblages (Mammalia, Pilosa) of the Cocinetas Basin (La Guajira, Colombia): Implications for the Great American Biotic Interchange. Palaeontology _. 1–20. Accessed 2017-03-31.
- Cadena, Edwin, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2015. Early to middle Miocene turtles from the northernmost tip of South America: giant testudinids, chelids, and podocnemidids from the Castilletes Formation, Colombia. Ameghiniana 52. 188–203. Accessed 2017-08-08.
- Carrillo, Juan D.; Eli Amson; Carlos Jaramillo; Rodolfo Sánchez; Luis Quiroz; Carlos Cuartas; Aldo F. Rincón, and Marcelo R. Sánchez Villagra. 2018. The Neogene record of northern South American native ungulates. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 101. 1–67. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Carrillo Briceño, Jorge D.; Thodoris Argyriou; Vladimir Zapata; René Kindlimann, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2016. A New Early Miocene (Aquitanian) Elasmobranchii Assemblage from the la Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Ameghiniana 53. 77–99. Accessed 2017-08-08.
- Hendy, Austin J.W.; Douglas S. Jones; Federico Moreno; Vladimir Zapata, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2015. Neogene molluscs, shallow marine paleoenvironments, and chronostratigraphy of the Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 134. 45–75. Accessed 2017-08-08.
- Moreno, F.; A.J.W. Hendy; L. Quiroz; N. Hoyos; D.S. Jones; V. Zapata; S. Zapata; G.A. Ballen, and Edwin Cadena, A.L. Cárdenas, J.D. Carrillo Briceño, J.D. Carrillo, D. Delgado Sierra, J. Escobar, J.I. Martínez, C. Martínez, C. Montes, J. Moreno, N. Pérez, R. Sánchez, C. Suárez, M.C. Vallejo Pareja, C. Jaramillo. 2015. Revised stratigraphy of Neogene strata in the Cocinetas Basin, La Guajira, Colombia. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 134. 5–43. Accessed 2017-08-08.
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- Suárez, Catalina; AnalÍa M. Forasiepi; Francisco J. Goin, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2015. Insights into the Neotropics Prior to the Great American Biotic Interchange: new evidence of mammalian predators from the Miocene of Northern Colombia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(1). e1029581. Accessed 2019-02-13.
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