The Dutch Reformed Church in Robertson is a large rural congregation in Robertson, South Africa, in the province of the Western Cape and the NG Church's Synod of the Western and Southern Cape.[1] It was founded in 1853[2] as the 52nd congregation in the entire Church,[3] but is currently (2015) the 51st oldest congregation after the incorporation of the NG congregation Middelburg,[4] Cape with its daughter congregation, Middelburg-Uitsig, in 2010.[5]
- Carel Hendrik de Smidt, 1859 – 21 January 1861 (died in office)
- Andrew McGregor, 1862–1902 (after whom McGregor was named)
- Dr. Hendrik Petrus van der Merwe, 1903 – March 1925
- Alexander Gustav Timon Venter, 1905 (assistant preacher)
- John Murray, 1910–1917
- Stefanus Jacobus Perold, 1918–1919
- Jan Gysbert Muller, 1919–1924
- Cornelis Vermaak Nel, 1925–1935 (emeritus; died on 4 June 1936)
- Jacobus Wilhelmus Snyman, 1926–1932
- A.S. Cronjé, 1933–1939
- T.J. Kotze, 1936–1942
- Erasmus Albertus Venter, 1939–1944
- J.W. Snyman, 1926–1932
- Prof. Dr. Frederik Johannes Mentz Potgieter, 1943–1946 (after which professor at the Seminary)
- Dr. Daniel Johannes Louw, 1946–1949
- Sarel Johannes Lodewicus Marais, 1945–1962
- Herman Charles Kinghorn, 1950–1952
- J.N.F. O'Kennedy, 1951–1956
- Henry Charles Hopkins, 1952–1955 (chaplain in the SAW)
- Hendrik Winterbach, 1961–1966
- Paul Albertus du Toit, 1967–1979
- Abraham Jacobus de Villiers, 1967–1973
- Andries Gustav Stephanus Gouws, 1971 – 24 May 1987 (emeritus)
- Pieter Jurgens Steyn, 1987 – 30 November 2014
- M. Joubert, ? – 8 Dec 2019 (emeritus)
- Janlu Kuyler, 2020 – present
- ↑ Dreyer, eerw. A. 1932. Jaarboek van die Nederduits-Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika vir die jaar 1933, Kaapstad: Jaarboek-Kommissie van die Raad van die Kerke.
- ↑ https://southafrica.co.za/history-robertson.html
- ↑ Maeder, ds. G.A. en Zinn, Christian. 1917. Ons Kerk Album. Kaapstad: Ons Kerk Album Maatschappij Bpkt.
- ↑ Olivier, ds. P.L. (samesteller), Ons gemeentelike feesalbum. Kaapstad en Pretoria: N.G. Kerk-uitgewers, 1952.
- ↑ Tromp, A.H. 1953. Robertson, 1853–1953. Gedenkboek by geleentheid van die honderdjarige bestaan van die dorp en die N.G. gemeente Robertson. Robertson: Die Eeufeeskomitee van Robertson.
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