Hej, Sokoły (Hey, falcons, Polish: Hej, Sokoły, Ukrainian: Гей, соколи, romanized: Hey, sokoly), proper title Żal za Ukrainą (Longing for Ukraine) or Na zielonej Ukrainie (In green Ukraine) is a Polish and Ukrainian folk song.
The song's authorship is not completely certain,[1] some historians attribute the writing of the song to the Ukrainian-Polish poet-songwriter Tomasz Padura (1801–1871)[1][2] (however, according to the latest Ukrainian research, there are no lyrics of the song in any of Padura's song collections[3]), and others believe it was written by the Polish classical composer Maciej Kamieński (1734–1825).[4][5] The original was translated into several languages.[6] The song is popular in Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia, and to a lesser extent in Belarus, Russia and the eastern Czech Republic.
The tune was popular among Polish soldiers during the Polish-Soviet War, and was also sung by the Polish Home Army guerrillas during World War II. Polish folk singer Maryla Rodowicz also performed a popular cover of the song.
According to Olga Kharchyshyn, "Hej Sokoły" is based on the 19th century Polish folk song "Żal za Ukrainą", but with a new refrain and opening verses. It first appeared in the current form in the latter half of the 20th century and was subsequently translated from Polish into Ukrainian.[7]
The lyrics exist in several versions about a Ukrainian girl to whom her betrothed, a cossack or an uhlan, says goodbye for the last time. It is sometimes presented as a Polish folk song[8] and/or Ukrainian folk song.[9] The lyrics vary only slightly between the two languages.
First verse
Polish | English translation | Ukrainian | Ukrainian transliteration | Slovak | Belarusian | Finnish [10] |
Hej, tam gdzieś z nad czarnej wody | Lo, there, somewhere near black waters,[11] | Гей, десь там, де чорні води, | Hej, deś tam de čorni vody, | V dobrom aj v zlom budeš moja, | Гэй, над рэчкай, над чарненькай, | Myöten mustain vetten rantaa, |
Wsiada na koń kozak[12] młody. | A young cossack[13] mounts his horse. | Сів на коня козак молодий. | Siv na konja kozak molodyj. | Rany tie sa s tebou zhoja. | Сядлаў коня казачэнька. | Ratsu nuorta miestä kantaa, |
Czule żegna się z dziewczyną, | Sadly he parts with his girl, | Плаче молода дівчина, | Plače moloda divčyna, | Keď je slnko, keď je zima, | Развітаўся ён з дзяўчынай, | Muistelee hän neitoansa, |
Jeszcze czulej z Ukrainą. | But even more sadly with Ukraine. | Їде козак з України. | Jide kozak z Ukrajiny. | Ty si moja domovina. | Ды з каханай Украінай. | Miettii kotikontujansa. |
Hej, hej, hej sokoły! | Hey, hey, hey falcons! | Гей! Гей! Гей, соколи! | Hej! Hej! Hej, sokoly! | Hej, hej, hej sokoly! | Гэй, гэй, гэй саколы! | Hei, hei haukansiipi! |
Omijajcie góry, lasy, doły.[14] | Fly past the mountains, forests and valleys.[15] | Оминайте гори, ліси, доли. | Omynajte hory, lisy, doly. | Z výšky hľadia na to všetko, čo nás bolí. | Абмінайце горы, лясы, долы. | maitten, metsäin, vuorten yli hiipi. |
Dzwoń, dzwoń, dzwoń dzwoneczku, | Ring, ring, ring little bell. | Дзвін, дзвін, дзвін, дзвіночку, | Dzvin, Dzvin, Dzvin, dzvinočku, | Zvoň, zvoň, zvoň nad krajinou, | Звон, звон, звон званочак, | Soita, soita tiukuseni, |
Mój stepowy skowroneczku | My little steppe skylark | Степовий жайвороночку | Stepovyj žajvoronočku | Rozliehaj sa zvoň, zvoň, zvoň! | Мой стэповы жаўраночак | Laula aron yllä kiuruseni |
- Other verses
Polish | English translation | Ukrainian | Ukrainian transliteration | Finnish |
Wiele dziewcząt jest na świecie, | There are many girls in the world, | Laulu maista vihrehistä, | ||
Lecz najwięcej[16] w Ukrainie. | But the most[17] in Ukraine. | Syntyy miehen kyynelistä | ||
Tam me serce pozostało, | There, I left my heart | Levotonna yönä tuona | ||
Przy kochanej mej dziewczynie. | With my beloved girl. | Kun on mieli neidon luona | ||
Hej, hej, hej sokoły! | Hey, hey, hey falcons! | Гей! Гей! Гей, соколи! | Hej! Hej! Hej, sokoly! | Hei, hei haukansiipi! |
Omijajcie góry, lasy, doły. | Fly past the mountains, forests and valleys. | Оминайте гори, ліси, доли. | Omynajte hory, lisy, doly. | maitten, metsäin, vuorten yli hiipi. |
Dzwoń, dzwoń, dzwoń dzwoneczku, | Ring, ring, ring little bell. | Дзвін, дзвін, дзвін, дзвіночку, | Dzvin, dzvin, dzvin, dzvinočku, | Soita soita tiukuseni, |
Mój stepowy skowroneczku | My little steppe skylark | Степовий жайвороночку | Stepovyj žajvoronočku | laula aron yllä kiuruseni |
Hej, hej, hej sokoły! | Hey, hey, hey falcons! | Гей! Гей! Гей, соколи! | Hej! Hej! Hej, sokoly! | Hei, hei haukansiipi! |
Omijajcie góry, lasy, doły. | Fly past the mountains, forests and valleys. | Оминайте гори, ліси, доли. | Omynajte hory, lisy, doly. | maitten, metsäin, vuorten yli hiipi |
Dzwoń, dzwoń, dzwoń dzwoneczku, | Ring, ring, ring little bell. | Дзвін, дзвін, дзвін, дзвіночку, | Dzvin, dzvin, dzvin, dzvinočku, | Soita, soita tiukuseni, |
Mój stepowy - dzwoń, dzwoń, dzwoń. | My steppe - ring, ring ring. | Мій степовий дзвін, дзвін, дзвін. | Mij stepovyj dzvin, dzvin, dzvin. | soita, soita, soita vaan. |
Ona jedna tam została, | She alone remained there, | Плаче, плаче, дівчинонька, | Plače, plače, divčynon'ka, | |
Jaskółeczka[18] moja mała, | My little swallow,[19] | Люба моя ластівонька, | Ljuba moja lastivon'ka, | |
A ja tutaj w obcej stronie | And I'm here in this foreign land [lit. 'on the foreign side'] | А я у чужому краю, | A ja u čužomu kraju, | |
Dniem i nocą tęsknię do niej. | I miss her day and night. | Серце спокою не має. | Serce spokoju ne maje. | |
Żal, żal, za dziewczyną, | Sorrow, sorrow, for that girl, | Жаль, жаль, за милою, | Žal', žal' za myloju, | Surua, surua neidon tähden,[20] |
Za zieloną Ukrainą, | And for green Ukraine; | За рідною стороною. | Za ridnoju storonoju. | Vihreän Ukrainan eden, |
Żal, żal, serce płacze, | Sorrow, sorrow, heart is stricken, | Жаль, жаль серце плаче, | Žal', žal' serce plače, | Surua, surua sydän itkee, |
Już jej więcej nie zobaczę. | I'll never see her again. | Більше її не побачу. | Bil'še jiji ne pobaču. | sillen häntä enää näe. |
Wina, wina, wina dajcie! | Wine, wine, give me wine! | Меду, вина наливайте | Medu, vyna nalyvajte | Viini, viini, viini tuokaa |
A jak umrę pochowajcie | And when I die bury me | Як загину поховайте | Jak zahynu pokhovajte | ja kun kuolen hauta luokaa |
Na zielonej Ukrainie | In green Ukraine, | На далекій Україні | Na dalekij Ukrajini | Maahan rakkaan Ukrainani |
Przy kochanej mej dziewczynie | By my dear girl. | Коло милої дівчини. | Kolo myloji divčyny. | Viereen neidon kalleimpani. |
Usage during the Russian invasion of Ukraine
A number of social media videos put out by Ukrainian forces to celebrate victories in the Russian invasion of Ukraine feature the song as the backing track.[21] On 16 April 2022, the General staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine put out a video with a version of the song recorded by Pikkardiyska Tertsiya as a show of gratitude towards the military aid from Poland.[22]
On 23 March 2023, the Slovak Armed Forces uploaded a video on YouTube showing the transfer of four MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, featuring a version of the song recorded by the Military Music Band of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic.[23]
- 1 2 Kharchyshyn, Olga (2019). ""Hej, sokoły!" ("Гей соколи!"): тексти і контексти пісні" (PDF). The Ethnology Notebooks. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 149 (5). doi:10.15407/nz2019.05.1246. ISSN 1028-5091. S2CID 214327906.
- ↑ Звідки прилетіли «соколи»? Рефлексії над генезою популярної пісні, uamoderna.com
- ↑ Żal (muz. Maciej Kamieński), Cyfrowa Biblioteka Polskiej Piosenki
- ↑ Maciej Kamieński, Żal za Ukrainą: piosnka przypisana Wandzie Pudłowskiej, ed. Kiev: B. Koreywo, 1875
- ↑ Glotow, Aleksander (2020). "SZEWCZENKO, SŁOWACKI CZY...?". Studia Methodologica (in Polish). Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. 51: 28. doi:10.25128/2304-1222.20.51.03. ISSN 2307-1222. S2CID 235842645.
- ↑ Kharchyshyn 2019, p. 1246.
- ↑ Hej sokoły - piosenka ludowa; tekst piosenki
- ↑ Гей, Соколи
- ↑ H-P, Poikonen. "Finnish lyrics by folk group Pääskylä". YouTube. Retrieved 28 October 2023.
- ↑ in meaning: the Black Sea
- ↑ or ułan
- ↑ or uhlan
- ↑ or Omijajcie góry, lasy, pola, doły
- ↑ or Fly past the mountains, forests, fields and valleys
- ↑ or najpiękniejsze
- ↑ or but the most beautiful
- ↑ or Przepióreczka or Zazuleńka (kukułeczka)
- ↑ or quail or cuckoo
- ↑ This verse doesn't exist in the Finnish version. Added by the editor with the help of chatgpt.
- ↑ Army Rumour Service: Russian Troop Movements Reported Near Ukraine | Page 4861 | Army Rumour Service, accessdate: 25 June 2022
- ↑ UA General staff of the armed forces account on youtube: Pikkardiyska Tertsiya Hej, sokoly!, accessdate: 24 March 2023
- ↑ Armed Forces of the Slovak Republics account on youtube: 4 STÍHAČKY MIG-29 SME ÚSPEŠNE ODOVZDALI UKRAJINSKÝM BRATOM V ZBRANI | Ozbrojené sily SR, accessdate: 24 March 2023