The flood of Doubs river was the biggest flooding in the history of the Doubs river (France); the water rose up to nearly 10 metres above the usual level, January 21, 1910. The principal departements affected were the département of Doubs, the département of Jura and also the département of Saône et Loire. At least one person was killed, and many others may have been killed because of this flood.
In the beginning of 1910, a lot of floods damaged France: the flood of Seine river in Île-de-France, in Chambéry, Troyes, Morez and lot of other French cities were affected and the ports of Marseille and Toulon where decimates by an historical tempest.
In Franche-Comté, the most probable causes of this flood where a heavy rainfall in the region since the previous month; the ground could not retain more water. Another cause accentuated the situation: the snow melted because the temperature was exceptionally warm.
Cities and villages affected
The following list includes cities and villages officially damaged by the flood of the Doubs. The flood affected 112 cities or villages in Doubs, 33 in Jura, and 20 in Saône-et-Loire, so a total of 154 localities.
- Municipalities of Doubs
- Abbans-Dessous
- Appenans
- Arbouans
- Arçon
- Audincourt
- Avanne-Aveney
- Bart
- Baume-les-Dames
- Bavans
- Berche
- Besançon
- Beure
- Bief
- Blussangeaux
- Blussans
- Bonnétage
- Bourguignon
- Boussières
- Branne
- Byans-sur-Doubs
- Chalèze
- Chalezeule
- Champlive
- Charmauvillers
- Charquemont
- Chaux-lès-Clerval
- Clerval
- Colombier-Fontaine
- Courcelles-lès-Montbéliard
- Dampierre-sur-le-Doubs
- Dampjoux
- Deluz
- Doubs
- Esnans
- Étouvans
- Fessevillers
- Fourbanne
- Fourcatier-et-Maison-Neuve
- Fournet-Blancheroche
- Gellin
- Glère
- Goumois
- Grand'Combe-Châteleu
- Grand'Combe-des-Bois
- Grandfontaine
- Hauterive-la-Fresse
- Hyèvre-Magny
- Hyèvre-Paroisse
- Indevillers
- Labergement-Sainte-Marie
- Laissey
- La Cluse-et-Mijoux
- La Longeville
- La Prétière
- Les Combes
- Les Fins
- Les Grangettes
- Les Villedieu
- Liebvillers
- L'Isle-sur-le-Doubs
- Longevelle-sur-Doubs
- Longevilles-Mont-d'Or
- Lougres
- Maisons-du-Bois-Lièvremont
- Malbuisson
- Mancenans
- Mandeure
- Mathay
- Médière
- Montancy
- Morteau
- Montbenoît
- Montfaucon
- Montferrand-le-Château
- Mouthe
- Montjoie-le-Château
- Montlebon
- Montperreux
- Noirefontaine
- Novillars
- Osselle
- Ougney-Douvot
- Oye-et-Pallet
- Pompierre-sur-Doubs
- Pont-de-Roide
- Rancenay
- Rang
- Roche-lès-Clerval
- Rochejean
- Roche-lez-Beaupré
- Roset-Fluans
- Routelle
- Saint-Georges-Armont
- Saint-Hippolyte
- Saint-Maurice-Colombier
- Saint-Point-Lac
- Saint-Vit
- Santoche
- Sarrageois
- Soulce-Cernay
- Thise
- Thoraise
- Torpes
- Vaire-Arcier
- Vaire-le-Petit
- Valentigney
- Vaufrey
- Villars-Saint-Georges
- Villars-sous-Dampjoux
- Ville-du-Pont
- Villers-le-Lac
- Voujeaucourt
- Municipalities of Jura
- Annoire
- Asnans-Beauvoisin
- Audelange
- Baverans
- Brevans
- Champdivers
- Chaussin
- Chemin
- Choisey
- Crissey
- Dampierre
- Dole
- Éclans-Nenon
- Étrepigney
- Évans
- Falletans
- Fraisans
- Gevry
- Lavans-lès-Dole
- La Barre
- Longwy-sur-le-Doubs
- Molay
- Neublans-Abergement
- Orchamps
- Parcey
- Peseux
- Petit-Noir
- Rahon
- Ranchot
- Rans
- Rochefort-sur-Nenon
- Salans
- Villette-lès-Dole
Municipalities of Saône-et-Loire
The flood in Besançon
The city of Besançon was flooded in the old center and in the area of Battant. On January 18, 1910, the water rose to nearly 7 meters above the usual level, and 8.68 meters on January 20, 1910. The inhabitants were deprived of electricity and gas, and all bridges were closed. On January 21, 1910, the Doubs river reached 9.57 meters, nearly the usual level. The city was ravaged by this flood, but there were no fatalities in the city.
- Battant bridge, the January, 21st 1910.
- Saint-Jacques place.
- The Révolution place.
- Great street of Besançon, in the beginning of the flood.
- Great street of Besançon, in the beginning of the flood.
- République bridge.
- Claude Pouillet street, in the flood recession.
- Jean Petit street.
- Lyceum street.
- Gambetta street.
- The Revolution place .
- The love square.