Region of originBalkans
Other names
Variant form(s)Koruna (feminine variant), Korunović, Korić, Korać

Korun is masculine name or surname. According to some sources it has its origin in Turkish language.[1] According to some other sources this masculine name is based on feminine name Korona.[2] Alternative variant forms of names and surnames based on this name include Koruna, Korunović, Korać (in cases when it is not based on the farrier's hammer) and Korić.[3]

See also


  1. Đura Daničić; Pero Budmani; Tomislav Maretić (1903). Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika. U knížarnici L. Hartmana na prodaju. p. 348. KORUN, m. ime muško (tursko?)
  2. Naš jezik. Lingvističko društvo. 1957. p. 229.
  3. Maretić, T. (1886). "O narodnim imenima i prezimenima u Hrvata i Srba". Rad Jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti. LXXXII: 73. Retrieved 14 October 2017.
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