This is a list of locomotives and multiple units that have been used in Finland. VR Group (privatised in 1995, previously Valtionrautatiet, Finnish state railways) had a monopoly on passenger traffic until 1.1.2021, but is currently the only passenger operator on the Finnish rail network. Some trainsets are however owned by other companies such as Pääkaupunkiseudun Junakalusto Oy. The Finnish railways are laid to the gauge of 5 ft (1,524 mm).

Electric locomotives

Image Class In service Numbers Quantity
VR Class Sr11973–present3001–3112 112
VR Class Sr21995–present3201–3246 46
VR Class Sr32017–present3301–3380 80

    Diesel locomotives

    Image Class In service Numbers
    Lightweight (axle load 8.1–11.1 t)
    VR Class Tve11958–1963406–436
    VR Class Tve51978–1979601–610
    Midweight (axle load 11.1–14 t)
    VR Class Tve2 (OTSO2)1962–1964441–448
    VR Class Tve31950–1960451–487, 491–495
    VR Class Sv11980-19843201
    VR Class Sv111953–19641725 (later 1703)
    VR Class Vv121953–19651700–1702
    VR Class Dv11[note 1]1958–19861804–1819
    VR Class Dv12[note 2]1963–present2501–2568
    VR Class Dv15[note 3]1958–20041955–2012
    VR Class Dv16[note 4]1962–20082013-2040
    Heavy (axle load 14 t and up)
    VR Class Tve41978–1983501–540
    VR Class Hr111955–19721950–1954
    VR Class Dr12[note 5]1959–19912200–2241
    VR Class Dr13[note 6]1962–20002301–2354
    VR Class Dr141969–present1851–1874
    VR Class Dr1519802439[note 7]
    VR Class Dr161986–present2801–2823
    Fenniarail Class Dr182015–present101–105
    VR Class Dr19[1]2021–present
    1. The Dv11 was known as the Vr11 until 1976.
    2. The Dv12 was known as the Sv12 until 1976, except for units of the 2700 series, which were called Sr12.
    3. The Dv15 was known as the Vv15 until 1976.
    4. The Dv16 was known as the Vv16 until 1976.
    5. The Dr12 was known as the Hr12 until 1976.
    6. The Dr13 was known as the Hr13 until 1976.
    7. Dr15 2439 was modified in 1980 from Dr12 2239.

    Petrol-Paraffin locomotives

    ImageClassNumberTypeManufacturerWheel arrangementBuiltNotes
    VR Class Vk11101, 102Petrol-paraffin locomotiveAb Slipmaterial, Västervik, and LokomoB1930, 1936101 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum

    Petrol-Paraffin locomotive references

    Data from:

    • Finnish Railway Museum official website[2]

    Steam locomotives

    ImageClassIn ServiceNumbersTypeManufacturerWheel arrangementNotes (including nickname)
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A11860–19111–6Passenger Steam LocomotiveCanada Works, Peto, Brassey and Betts4-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A21866–7–8Passenger Steam Locomotive4-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A31869–11–20, 44–47, 178–182, 222–227Passenger Steam LocomotiveDübs & Company4-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A41872–191863–71Passenger Steam LocomotiveBaldwin Locomotive Works4-4-0Website about the Hanko–Hyvinkää 4-4-0 and Baldwin locomotives used in Finland
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A51874– 192757–58Passenger Steam LocomotiveHelsingfors / VRHki Valtionrautatiet, Helsingin konepaja4-4-0“Lankkihattu”; No 58 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A61874–59–61, 90–99Passenger Steam Locomotive4-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class A71898–228–231Passenger Steam Locomotive4-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class B11868–19289–10, 53–56, 150–151Shunter Steam LocomotiveBeyer, Peacock & Company0-4-2ST“Ram”, No 9 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum. The oldest preserved locomotive in Finland.
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class B21880–100Shunter Steam LocomotiveBeyer, Peacock & Company0-4-2ST
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C11869–192621–30Freight Steam LocomotiveNeilson & Company No 14270-6-0“Bristollari”, No 21 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum. The second oldest preserved locomotive in Finland.
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C21869–31–43, 48–52Freight Steam LocomotiveAvonside Engine Company, Bristol0-6-0“Bristollari”
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C31872–?74–75Freight Steam Locomotive0-6-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C41875–?62, 78–89Freight Steam Locomotive0-6-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C51881–1930101–114Freight Steam locomotiveHanomag, Hannover No 14770-6-0“Bliksti”, No 110 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class C6100Freight Steam Locomotive0-6-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class D172–732-4-0
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class E11875–?76–770-4-0WT
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class R274–752-6-2WT
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class F11885–193563–64, 115–116,132–133Passenger Steam LocomotiveSwiss Locomotive & Machine Works Societe Suisse No 4340-4-4RT“Felix”, No 132 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class F21899–?65Baldwin Locomotive Works2-4-2RT
    Finnish Steam Locomotive Class M11913–?66Tampella2-8-0T
    VR Class Hk1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H1 & H2)
    1898–1959232–241,291–300,322–333Mixed Traffic Steam LocomotiveBaldwin Locomotive Works built 232–241, Richmond Locomotive Works built 291–300, 322–3334-6-0“Big-Wheel Kaanari”, No 293 preserved at the Finland Station, St.Petersburg, Russia
    VR Class Hk2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H3)
    437–446,448–451Mixed Traffic Steam Locomotive4-6-0
    VR Class Hk3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Classes H3, H4 & H5)
    447,452–453,471–486Mixed Traffic Steam Locomotive4-6-0
    VR Class Hk5
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H6)
    1909–1959439–515Mixed Traffic Steam Locomotive4-6-0No. 497 is preserved at Haapamäki
    VR Class Hr1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class P1)
    1937–19741000–1021Passenger Steam LocomotiveLokomo Oy and Tampella Oy4-6-2“Ukko-Pekka”; Not in service 1972; Returned to Service due to oil crisis
    VR Class Hr2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H11)
    1942–19531900–1906Passenger Steam LocomotiveNOHAB4-6-0“Hurricane”;
    VR Class Hr3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H11)
    1942–19531907–1919Passenger Steam LocomotiveNOHAB4-6-0“Hurricane”;
    VR Class Hv1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H8)
    1915–1967545–578,648–655Passenger Steam LocomotiveTampella, Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy ; Lokomo Oy4-6-0"Heikki", Hv1 555 only was nicknamed "Princess"; No 555 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Hv2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H9)
    1919–1968579–593,671–684,777–780Passenger Steam LocomotiveL. Schwartzkopff and Lokomo4-6-0“Heikki”, No 680 is preserved at Haapamäki
    VR Class Hv3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H9)
    1921–1970638–647,781–785,991–999Passenger Steam LocomotiveTampella, Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy; L. Schwartzkopff and Lokomo4-6-0“Heikki”, The following are preserved No 781 Kerava, No 995 Suolahti, No 998 Haapamäki Detailed drawings of a VR Class Hv3
    VR Class Hv4
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class H7)
    1912–1964516–529,742–751,757–760Passenger Steam LocomotiveLokomo Oy and Tampella Oy4-6-0“Pikku-Heikki”,Nos 742 & 751 are preserved Haapamäki
    VR Class Pr1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class N1)
    1924–1972761–776Local Passenger Steam LocomotiveHanomag; Tampella Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy, Lokomo Oy2-8-2T“Paikku”, No 776 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Pr21942–19601800–1803Local Passenger Steam LocomotiveHenschel & Son4-6-4T"Henschel" No 1800 preserved at Haapamäki
    VR Class Rro1914–?1–2Tampella Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy0-4-0TNo. 2 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Sk1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Classes G1, G2 & G4)
    1885–117–131,134–149,152–172,183–190Mixed Traffic Steam LocomotiveSwiss Locomotive & Machine Works Societe Suisse No 4052-6-0“Little Brown”; No 124 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Sk2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Classes G1, G6 & G9)
    1896–1963196–213,314–321,360–372Mixed Traffic Steam LocomotiveTampella2-6-0No 315 is preserved at Tampere, Tampella
    VR Class Sk3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Classes G3, G5, G10 & G11)
    1892–1960173–177,191–195,214–221,334–359,373–406,427–436Mixed Traffic LocomotiveTampella Tammerfors Linne-&Jern-Manufakt.A.B. No 492-6-0,“Grandmother”; No 400 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Sk4
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class G7)
    242–253,306–313Mixed Traffic Steam Locomotive2-6-0"Little-Wheel Kaanari"
    VR Class Sk5
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class G12)
    66–67Mixed Traffic Steam Locomotive2-6-0
    VR Class Sk6
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class G8)
    254–270Mixed Traffic Steam LocomotiveRichmond Locomotive Works2-6-0“Riksmont”
    VR Class Tk1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class K1)
    271–2902-8-0“Amerikan Satikka”
    VR Class Tk2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class K2)
    1903–1960407–426, 457–4702-8-0“Satikka”, The following are preserved 407 Närpes, 418 Junction City, Oregon, USA, 419 Haapamäki
    VR Class Tk3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class K5)
    1927–1975800–899,1100–1118,1129–1170Freight Steam LocomotiveTampella, Lokomo and Frichs2-8-0“The Little Jumbo”
    VR Class Tr1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class R1)
    1940–19751030–1096Freight Steam LocomotiveTampella, Tampere / Lokomo, Tampere / Arnold Jung Lokomotivfabrik GmbH, Jungenthal2-8-2“Risto”, 1033 and 1096 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Tr21946–19681300–1319ALCO, Baldwin Locomotive Works2-10-0Nicknamed “Truman”. Similar to Russian locomotive class Ye. No 1319 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Tv1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class K3)
    1917–1974594–617,685–741,900–948,1200–1211Tampella,2-8-0“Jumbo”,The following are preserved no. 609 Haapamäki, no. 933 veturimuseo at Toijala, no 940 Lapinlahti, and no 943 Ylivieska
    VR Class Tv2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class K4)
    VR Class Vk1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class I1)
    1900–1952301–305Local Passenger Steam LocomotiveBaldwin Locomotive Works2-6-4T“Amerikan”, “Iita”
    VR Class Vk2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class I2)
    454–455Local Passenger Steam Locomotive2-6-4T“Iita”
    VR Class Vk3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class I3)
    1906–1964456, 487–492Local Passenger Steam LocomotiveTampella, Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy2-6-4T“Iita”, No 489 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Vk41910–196268Light Replacement Steam LocomotiveBorsig Lokomotiv Werke (AEG)0-4-0T"Leena", Oldest working broad gauge locomotive in Finland. No 68 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Vk572–752-8-2T
    VR Class Vk670–710-4-4RT
    VR Class Vr1
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class L1)
    1913–1974530–544,656–670,787–799Shunter Steam LocomotiveHanomag, No 102640-6-0T“Hen”, No 669 preserved at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Vr2
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class D1)
    1930–1975950–965Steam Locomotive0-6-2T"Duck", The following are preserved in Finland No 950 Joensuu, 951 Tuuri, 953 Haapamäki, 961 Jyväskylä, 964 Veturimuseo at Toijala
    VR Class Vr3
    (Finnish Steam Locomotive Class O1)
    1924–1975752–756Steam Locomotive0-10-0T"Rooster" / 'Cockerel", No 755 stored at the Finnish Railway Museum
    VR Class Vr41400–14230-6-0T
    VR Class Vr51948–19711400–1423Vulcan Iron Works0-6-2T"Turkey", No 1422 is preserved at Haapamäki.

    Steam locomotive references

    Data from:

    • Finnish Railway Museum official website[3]
    • Finnish website with locomotive technical data[4]

    Electric multiple units

    Image Class In service Numbers
    VR Class Sm11969–20166001+6201 – 6050+6250
    VR Class Sm21975–present6051+6251 – 6100+6300
    VR Class Sm31995–present7x01–7x18
    VR Class Sm41999–present6301+6401 – 6330+6430
    JKOY Class Sm52009–present01–81
    Karelian Trains Class Sm62010–20227x51–7x54

    Diesel multiple units

    Image Class In service Numbers
    VR Class Ds11928–19551, 4 and 5
    VR Class Dm1 & Dm21935–196113–19
    VR Class Dm3 & Dm41952–19711500–1509 (Dm3)
    1600–1623 (Dm4)[note 1]
    VR Class Dm6 & Dm71954–19884000–4014 (Dm6)
    4020–4216 (Dm7)
    VR Class Dm81964–19865001–5012
    VR Class Dm91965–19905101–5124
    VR Class Dm101994–19974301
    VR Class Dm1119974401–4406[note 2]
    VR Class Dm122005–present4401–4416
    1. The nine Dm3s were upgraded to Dm4s number 1614–1623 between 1956 and 1958.
    2. The numbers of the Dm11 class were reused on Dm12 class units.

    See also


    • Eonsuu, Tapio; Honkanen, Pekka; Kilpinen, Tapani; Pölhö, Eljas (1975). Suomen veturit 1 osa. Valtionrautateiden höyryveturit. Frank Stenvalls Förlag. ISBN 91-7266-021-X.
    • Eonsuu, Tapio; Honkanen, Pekka; Pölhö, Eljas (1995). Suomen veturit osa 2. Moottorikalusto. Elokuvan Maailma. ISBN 952-5060-02-0.


    1. Jäärni, Clarissa (2022-02-09). "Täysin Suomen oloihin tehty dieselveturi saatiin testiin Tampereelle – tällainen on nappeja myöten kuljettajien kanssa suunniteltu investointi". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2024-01-03.
    2. Retrieved 2013-04-17. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
    3. "Finnish Railway Museum - Welcome!". Archived from the original on 2012-09-11. Retrieved 2012-12-17.
    4. "Suomen rautatiehistoriallinen seura ry". Retrieved 2012-12-17.

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